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Retirement Income Planning for Retirees and Those Approaching Retirement

Personalized Strategies for Your Retirement Journey

At TrueCourse, we aim to simplify your retirement concerns by empowering you with the tools necessary to secure your retirement. By supporting you in recognizing your needs and the extent of your assets, we’ll set you on a path toward pursuing financial independence.

You’re a diligent saver, who is ready to optimize your wealth - let us help you prioritize the next steps as you move into your retirement chapter and answer the question, “What do I do with my money now?”

Our Capabilities

Retirement Income Planning

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Wealth Management

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Financial Planning

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Discover How to Get Started

Managing Income in Your Next Stage

We’ll take a common sense approach to retirement income planning. 

For many people nearing retirement today, a significant portion of their parents’ retirement income needs were met through the combination of pensions and Social Security, allowing them to depend less on their personal assets for their monthly income. With the replacement of pensions with 401(k) plans and the uncertainty of Social Security’s ability to maintain future benefits, the responsibility to provide retirement income has been placed more and more on individuals. Retirees are now having to deal with longevity, inflation and investment risks that were not as significant issues for their parents.

What Can These Risks Mean to Your Retirement?

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Longevity Risk

With advances in health and medical services, many people are living longer lives. As a result, you will need to plan for more sustainable income throughout your retirement.

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Inflation Risk

As you live longer, you’ll be more exposed to rising prices. Applying even modest rates of inflation to everyday expenses over long periods of time can seriously erode your purchasing power.

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Investment Risk

While you’re in your prime earning years, you can typically replenish savings if you incur investment losses. In retirement, that may be difficult or not possible.

How Long Will You Live?

A 65 year old married couple has a 50% probability of at least one partner living beyond 91 years old.

Retirements lasting 20, 30 and even 40 years are becoming commonplace, and these longer time spans must be considered when planning for income.

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50% of men will live to 85+

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50% of women will live to 88+

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50% probability one spouse will live to 91+

Source: Annuity 1000 Mortality Tables

Strategies to Help Manage Your Risk

As you transition from wealth accumulation to income distribution, your strategies should also change. During accumulation, goals are focused on achieving the highest returns consistent with the risk you were willing to take. In distribution, the primary focus is increasing the reliability of your income while taking only the risk necessary, similar to the way a pension is managed.

Outcome-Oriented Investing | Time-Segmented Methodology

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The time-segmented strategy divides your retirement into separate segments, each with a different investment objective and time horizon. The number and length of segments are customized to your cash flow needs.


The goal of the first segment is to produce income immediately through the use of products with little to no stock market risk. The later segments can be invested more aggressively with a higher target rate of return than the last.

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After each segment is spent, the next segment will then be converted to a similar product as was used in the first segment. This allows your long-term money to stay invested in the market for potential growth.

1 “No Market Risk” refers to the use of an income vehicle such as an immediate annuity, CD’s, a money market or other vehicle that is not invested in the Stock Market.

Your Advisor Acts As the Conductor

It all starts with managing your plan. 

Creating a properly designed and personalized retirement income plan is a key first step. It is also just as important to have someone to manage the overall plan. Your financial advisor can work with you to manage your plan and help to ensure it meets your needs moving forward. Periodic adjustments will be made along the way due to life events, changes in need, or opportunities to reduce investment risk.

What Goes Into Orchestrating Your Retirement Performance?

Orchestrating Your Retirement Performance Cycle

We Work Best With

Pre-Retirees and Retirees

We specialize in working with individuals who are retired or very close to it (typically 5 years or less). This allows us to tailor our services to the unique needs of retirees.

Kind Individuals

At TrueCourse, we truly enjoy working with genuinely nice people, with whom we share mutual respect and understanding. We value our principles and we’d like our clients to do the same.

Diligent Savers

While you may not consider yourself to be affluent, you’ve worked hard to save diligently in order to accumulate a retirement nest egg of at least $500,000.

advisor with senior clients

Those Looking for a Trusted Advisor

Our clients understand the success of their retirement is too important to be doing it themselves, they understand the value of having professional guidance.

Experienced Professionals

Helping You Pursue Your Financial Dreams

Our president, Kerry Poulson, has been offering clients impactful retirement income planning insights for decades. As someone who truly loves helping people experience the financial planning process, he has utilized his experience to offer individuals and families access to institutional level solutions and recommendations.

As a fee-based firm, TrueCourse Investment Management upholds a fiduciary responsibility to put our clients and their needs first, always. We view every relationship as long-term and are proud to serve multiple generations of families.

Schedule Time to Meet

Kerry Poulson Photo

Kerry Poulson


Phone: (503) 367-3900

Email: kpoulson@truecourseinvestment.com

Kerry Poulson is President of TrueCourse Investment Management and an Investment Advisor Representative of SCF Investment Advisors, Inc., an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Financial and Estate Planning from Brigham Young University in 1986. Kerry has over 30 years of financial services experience in a wide variety of companies. Previous roles include Senior Vice President at The Mutual Fund Store and Director and Financial Advisor at Wealth Preservation & Management.

Kerry's broad exposure to banking, insurance, investing and financial planning provides a strong base of knowledge and experience from which to serve his clients. His strong commitment to being an honest, trustworthy advisor that will always act with the client's best interest in mind has been a hallmark of his success.

Your Next Steps

Are you ready to start on the path to creating your personalized income plan?

Contact Us Today

Learn How to Get Started

With TrueCourse Investment Management

Step 1:

Initial Meeting

We’ll begin with a 15-minute phone call to help both you and us decide if we’re a good fit for one another. We’ll discuss your areas of financial concern and what we can do to help ease your anxiety.

Step 2:

In-Person or Virtual Meeting

We believe in the importance of meeting face-to-face as we begin to take a closer look at your financial situation. During this meeting, we’ll discuss the strategies we will use to pursue your short- and long-term personal and financial goals.

Step 3:

Think It Over

Take all the time you need to think over the strategies we’ve presented and the ways we can add value to your financial life.  Give us a call if you have any additional questions and be sure to talk with your spouse or family members to make sure everybody is on board.

Step 4:

Implement & Decide

During this meeting, we will answer any questions you have and if you are ready, start the paperwork to become a client.

Prior to this meeting we will have sent you a detailed explanation of this process and answered all of your questions and concerns.

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation

TrueCourse Investment Management


The Way We See It

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True Financial Freedom

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At TrueCourse, our solutions aren't confined by our physical address. Our clients span across the United States and we enjoy working with you wherever you may reside. So give us a call or schedule a discovery meeting we're excited to get to know you.